The Joy List
I’ve realised I talk about joy a lot; so much so it might have become ‘a thing’. I’m pretty happy about that however. If a guiding principle to life is to elicit joy then I’m down with that.
A change of season, particularly Winter to Spring and the arrival of Autumn, always brings a fresh surge of optimism in me. I’m finding my awakening garden a marvellous source of happiness, likewise the lighter evenings, accompanied by the gradual lifting of lockdown and all the social - and outfit - opportunities these bring.
But hang on, I’m pre-empting myself. This is meant to be a list. I do love a list, so here goes.
The Joy List aka things that are currently bringing me joy.
My busy little flower beds. Not a euphemism.
My new hair colour is called ‘Angelic Blonde’.
Wearing sports socks (very good ones from Arket) with trainers and dresses, channeling (in my head) Margot Tenenbaum.
My double- vaccinated dad.
My utterly impractical peach tulle Simone Rocha X H&M blouse, worn as a cardigan currently.
Packed cheerful pub gardens.
The prospect of bare legs soon and wearing footwear other than wellies as standard.
Sitting in my friend’s summer house.
And obviously, the sunshine.
These have been a source of this week’s joy. This coming week I have quite a packed social diary AND a trip to London Town so more to come.
What makes you happy? I’d love to hear.