February IS the cruellest month
I mean, it always is but this February obviously beats all previous records of shit-ness.
But I’m not going to talk about that as it’s all we ever talk about right?
I’m talking about the visceral need for COLOUR in our lives; frantically staring at the ground for emerging crocuses, buying endless bunches of tulips in the supermarket, devouring the fashion pages with their spreads of colourful clothes with a greed bordering on gluttony. And I don’t think that’s just me.
Where this cruelty is most keenly highlighted is, at the precise moment we NEED colour in our lives - and I for one, on my body - is also the precise moment that our British skin is at that zenith of unflattering winter grey which does not sit well with any colour. Now, THAT is cruel. And, coupled with Lockdown Hair (yes I did mention but relevant) with roots that defy previous records - and more grey - with outgrown blonde bits at the fuzzy ends, well it doesn’t exactly add up to a vision of loveliness. And no colour can remedy that. Certainly not DIY hair colour. I’ve just fallen foul of that and it is indeed, foul. Dammit.
But I suppose what we can do is exercise restraint (not immediately appealing? No me neither) and plan for warmer times. Now is an excellent time to edit your wardrobe - or ask me to - and part of that can be holding up different colour garments to your face in decent light and seeing if it makes you look better or worse. Yes, it’s as simple as that. Not wanting to knock the whole ‘finding your colours’ industry but it really is that simple. And your colouring does change over the years so what looked magic ten years ago, now sadly may not, so it’s a good thing to check in on. But, there will be new colours to light up your life with. It took me to my late forties to discover deep orange looked great on me. Who knew?
So, use this quiet time - if you can find some peace away from everyone else - and be ruthless with those clothes. Put those to the side that no longer serve you, but properly revisit all of them. If they make your heart sing, keep them, if they make you faintly depressed then send them somewhere else (responsibly). If you don’t have the strength, the time or the inclination then get in touch with me - emma@ponyclubgothstyle.co.uk - as I love editing wardrobes and finding joyous new outfits amongst them.
Happy rest of February everyone.